NCIGF 2023 Annual Report
Supporting the Insurance Promise
Indianapolis, Indiana
Our Vision
To be the definitive national leader on matters related to insolvency and its consequences to policyholders and claimants protected by the state-based property and casualty guaranty fund system.
Seattle, WA 2023 Annual Conference

Our Mission
To bring the greatest possible value to the member state property & casualty guaranty funds and the state-based guaranty fund system in operational support, communications and public policy development.
Pheonix, AZ 2023 Fall Workshop
The advances outlined by NCIGF in 2023 strengthened the foundation of readiness on which consumers, policymakers and industry depend. NCIGF and the state guaranty fund system are essential to the insurance promise and state insurance regulation, adding substantial value to the insurance industry and its customers. Supporting the insurance promise is our animating objective and 2023 was a banner year!
Minneapolis, MN 2023 Legal Seminar

Joe Torti - Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Fairfax Inc
Thank you to the entire guaranty fund community for your support as I stepped into the new role as NCIGF Board Chair in 2023. It is an honor to be in this position and, as a former regulator, it is great to partner with the guaranty fund community in this way as we continue to build bridges between the receivership community and the property and casualty guaranty fund system.
This first year as chair has been a great learning experience. The membership should feel confident in the hard work of the board as well as the NCIGF staff, and I am incredibly optimistic about the relationships we have been able to build with the NAIC community as well. These strides toward pre-liquidation planning and creating solutions to decrease insolvency risk is what inspires me to continue to invest time and effort, helping lead NCIGF initiatives and also encourage the entire community to do the same, most notably, my fellow insurance industry professionals.
Roger and NCIGF are doing great work, and 2023 was a shining example of their ongoing efforts and commitment to keeping the insurance promise. Great strides were taken on the public policy front as well as leading innovation within the technology space for our community and, as previously stated, building the relationships with the receivership community for our collective future. I look forward to continuing to work alongside NCIGF, our board, the industry representatives and the membership in 2024 and beyond.

Joe Torti
NCIGF Board Chair
Key Accomplishments
Public Policy Accomplishments
Resolution Partnership with Receivers and Regulators:
NCIGF worked on securing and implementing improved practices for data transfer in receiverships throughout 2023. A revised receiver’s handbook was adopted by the NAIC with favorable language offered by NCIGF on guaranty association issues, including the importance of pre-liquidation planning. The new handbook includes a “large deductible guideline” adopted in a prior year which calls for the deductible asset to flow in full to the guaranty funds to the extent of their claim payments, rather than be treated as a general asset of the estate, resolving a 20-year-old dispute between guaranty funds and insurance receivers. The pre-liquidation Memorandum of Understanding adopted by the NAIC Receivership and Insolvency Task Force in 2022 is now referenced in handbooks used by IT Examinations and the Financial Analysis Solvency Tools (FAST) Working Groups. It is also referenced in the Financial Analysis Working Group (FAWG) materials. This development is important because it supplies regulators access to these materials before a public insolvency proceeding is invoked. This will be critical to successful pre-liquidation planning.
Cyber Coverage and Restructuring Remedy
In 2023 NCIGF worked with state guaranty associations, industry, and regulators to promote the enactment of language at the NAIC and in individual states. Amendments relating to restructured business and cyber coverage were adopted by the NAIC in late 2023 and are now incorporated in the NAIC Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association Model Act. These amendments are the result of several years of efforts working with regulatory committees at the NAIC. The cyber coverage amendments were adopted as proposed by the NCIGF. These changes call for reasonable coverage limits and address services provided under cyber policy. Three states have adopted cyber amendments, and the measure is pending in two additional states in 2024. The restructuring amendment’s primary option is consistent with NCIGF policy in this regard- guaranty fund coverage should not be changed by the business transaction- claims that originated from guaranty fund covered policies would be covered after a restructuring and claims that were not covered before would not be covered after the transaction. Four states have enacted restructuring amendments consistently and multiple other states have it under consideration.
Federal Privacy Law
An NCIGF subcommittee of the Public Policy Committee was established in 2023 to review and monitor American Data and Privacy Protection Act (ADPPA) activity and related legislation in the states. In general, the subcommittee concluded that privacy legislation should not apply to guaranty funds because of the heavy administrative burden the laws require and the fact that guaranty associations do not sell data. The subcommittee continues to monitor state developments and share information with the property and casualty trade associations. In most cases, state laws will not apply because of a not-for-profit exemption or an exemption for entities handling fewer than a certain number of claims.
Preliquidation Planning
NCIGF was a strong proponent of earlier pre-liquidation planning throughout 2023. A primary focus of effort was to stress that planning and coordination with guaranty funds prior to a public insolvency proceeding is critical to a seamless transition for policyholders. NCIGF delivered this message to regulators and receivers in numerous forums throughout the year. A unique tabletop exercise was conducted at the November meeting of the NAIC. Over 100 regulators participated, most of whom were commissioners or regulatory staff involved with troubled companies before a public proceeding occurs. As a result of this highly regarded session, NCIGF and NOLHGA were invited to conduct a similar exercise at a commissioner’s summit event in February 2024. NCIGF hopes to build on the success of these two events in collaboration with the NAIC to conduct this type of exercise at future regulator events.
Troubled Companies
As part of revisions to the NAIC Holding Company Act, NCIGF worked with the Receivership and Insolvency Task Force (RITF) to add provisions to address troubled companies, specifically continuation of third-party services and ownership rights to claims data. These provisions have now been adopted in 15 states and are pending in multiple states. The community understands that the new Holding Company language has already been a helpful tool for regulators and receivers dealing with troubled companies and it is expected that laws such as this will be a key component of a seamless policyholder transition during liquidation.
Technology Accomplishments
Insolvency Complexity Tool
- In 2023, NCIGF took a significant step forward in the management and prediction of resources needed for insolvency cases by developing a sophisticated insolvency complexity tool. This innovative statistical tool harnesses the power of historical data, encompassing labor, data storage, communications, processing, and various other metrics pertinent to insolvency proceedings. The primary aim of this tool is to provide a reliable foundation for estimating the resources required for future insolvency cases.
- Initially designed for projects where GSI is engaged for data processing tasks, there is an ambitious vision to broaden the tool’s application, making it an invaluable resource for our member organizations. This advancement underscores our commitment to leveraging technology to enhance efficiency and foresight in insolvency management.
Insolvency Data Support – Flex Workforce Development
- In response to the dynamic demands of insolvency data processing, NCIGF began work on the development of a flex workforce program. This initiative involves creating a database of skilled professionals who are available for contract-based engagements, particularly during periods of heightened activity and demand in insolvency cases.
- The program’s foundation is the identification of the specific skill sets, qualifications, and attributes that are most valuable in managing insolvency data efficiently. The next phase of this project will involve a thorough solicitation and vetting process to ensure that only the most capable individuals are considered for inclusion in this specialized pool.
- The objective of this initiative is to secure a minimum of five highly qualified professionals, thereby enhancing our preparedness and capacity to respond effectively to surges in insolvency data processing needs. This approach not only ensures operational agility but also reinforces our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of service and support for our members during critical times.
NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF)
- In our ongoing commitment to cybersecurity and operational excellence, NCIGF reviewed and updated its internal IT policies and procedures in alignment with the highly respected NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF). This evaluation and enhancement process ensured that NCIGF not only adopted but also consistently adheres to the best practices and guidelines recommended by the NIST CSF.
- NCIGF and GSI are dedicated to implementing these critical policies and procedures, fortifying our cybersecurity posture, and safeguarding our systems and data against evolving threats. This initiative reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of cybersecurity and operational integrity, ensuring the continued protection and support of our members and stakeholders.
NCIGF Technology Issue Tracking and Productivity Enhancements
- NCIGF added a new ticketing system for submission and tracking of support requests from members, internal staff, and GSI clients. The system allows for self-service request reporting if desired and tracking of the complete history of individual requests from start-to-finish. Over time, the body of knowledge built from tracked requests is becoming an asset that enables staff to resolve recurring issues more quickly.
Cloud Migration of UDS Data Mapper and SUDS
- 2023 saw the successful transition of our critical insolvency data services, including the UDS Data Mapper and SUDS, to a cloud-based hosting solution. This strategic move into a more agile and robust cloud environment signifies a significant leap forward in ensuring our systems are equipped with superior security measures, enhanced resilience against potential disruptions, and a scalable architecture capable of efficiently managing the substantial volumes of data that accompany large insolvency events.
- This strategic move aligns with our ongoing commitment to safeguarding the integrity and availability of insolvency-related data, supporting the seamless operation of the NCIGF IT Core Services.
General Accomplishments
2023 Tabletop Exercise
A tabletop insolvency simulation exercise was conducted at the 2023 NCIGF Fall Workshop. Designed and implemented by the NCIGF Innovations and Operations Committee, the exercise offered not only a time for educational interaction, but also created opportunities for connections, solution sharing and networking among the NCIGF member funds. ‘Common solutions for shared problems’ was the theme of the collaborative session, which included participants sharing top takeaways in the large group environment. The Innovations and Operations Committee has already begun planning the next steps for the takeaways and information gathered during the session and has plans to feature this exercise and its materials in a downloadable resource format for 2024.
NCIGF Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- NCIGF included DEI topics in agendas for all large 2023 member meetings (Annual Conference, Fall Workshop, and Legal Seminar). The NCIGF Staff will continue to work with Lloyd Freeman, a special speaker at the NCIGF 2023 Fall Workshop, in 2024 for continued education on DEI specific training. Along with internal staff efforts, the NCIGF DEI Subcommittee, a subset of the Education Committee, launched a pilot mentorship program in 2023 called Members Mentoring Members (M3). New in 2023, this program matched mentees with mentors from across the country. The initiative has been received enthusiastically with a second cohort planned for 2024. M3 is intended to strengthen the culture of the member community, helping to ensure all members feel connected and engaged, while also encouraging the transfer of knowledge and development to the next generation of guaranty fund professionals.
Manager Roundtable
NCIGF board chair, Joe Torti, created an opportunity specifically for managers in 2023 to gather and discuss ideas, concerns and solutions in a roundtable peer-to-peer format. This informal meeting took place in conjunction with the NCIGF 2023 Fall Workshop in Phoenix and featured outstanding participation from guaranty fund executives who gathered from across the country.
2023 Legal Seminar
- The NCIGF 2023 Legal Seminar was held in Minneapolis, MN in June 2023. The Legal Seminar Task Force cultivated an environment and opportunity for approximately seventy (70) individuals from varying backgrounds and roles to share perspectives and explore trending topics on insurance and insolvency matters. Topics covered included, reinsurance, case law updates, and issues that evolve from the modernization of the workplace including legal obligations with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives The seminar provided participants with new insights and information and bolstered their general knowledge of guaranty fund law. The 2025 Legal Seminar Task Force is hard at work planning the next legal education conference.
Claims System Exploration
- NCIGF embarked on an exploratory journey to gather insights into the optimal features of a system-wide claims processing solution. This process was initiated by the offer of the GFMS CAPS claims system for broader member use. Through a series of collaborative workshops led by professional facilitators, valuable information was collected regarding the system’s desired capabilities. These sessions delved into a variety of critical areas, including the articulation of business objectives, identification of user personas and roles, enumeration of key features and functionalities, as well as the specification of security and technical prerequisites.
- As we move into 2024, NCIGF will continue to explore this strategic endeavor, continuing to investigate the development of a claims processing system that meets the long-term needs of the member community.
MemberConnect Website Enhancements
Guaranty Fund Member Calendar
- A significant upgrade introduced this year was the integration of an interactive calendar feature, designed to keep our members well-informed about upcoming NCIGF and related industry events.
- This tool not only facilitates awareness of key dates and activities but also offers the convenience of syncing these events directly with personal calendars, ensuring our members never miss an important engagement.
Guaranty Fund Board Member Cross-Reference Database
- Also in 2023, NCIGF added an interactive state board member grid for use by its members. This searchable, dynamic resource is intended to help members quickly identify company and individual board engagement opportunities based on current representation on boards across the country.
Secure Board Portal
- In a move to enhance our board’s collaborative capabilities while ensuring security of content, NCIGF transitioned from a standalone board portal application to utilizing advanced features of the same robust system that powers MemberConnect. This evolution in our digital infrastructure reflects our ongoing commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to streamline operations and safeguard sensitive information.
Insolvency Update
In 2023, the property & casualty guaranty associations experienced six (6) multi-state insolvencies. Five of the companies became insolvent, in part due to Southeast and Midwest weather-related events increasing liabilities and one company was a run-off company impacted by litigation. The insolvent companies were as follows:
United Property & Casualty
- NAIC #: 10969
- Major LOB(s): Homeowners Multiple Peril, Inland Marine, Allied Lines, Fire, Earthquake, Burglary and Theft, Boiler and Machinery
- Domiciliary State: Florida
- Licensed States: AL, CT, FL, GA, HI, LA, MA, NC, NJ, NY, RI, SC, TX
- Insolvency Date: February 23, 2023
Mutual Aid eXchange Insurance Company
- NAIC #: 11878
- Major LOB(s): Homeowners multi-peril, Fire and Allied lines (personal property), and Farmowners multi-peril.
- Domiciliary State: Kansas
- Licensed States: AZ, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, MD, MN, MI, MO, MT, NE, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, UT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY
- Insolvency Date: August 22, 2023
Arrowood Insurance Company
- NAIC #: 246678
- Major LOB(s): Workers’ Compensation, general liability and commercial multi-peril; commercial and personal lines
- Domiciliary State: Delaware
- Licensed States: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY
- Insolvency Date: November 8, 2023
United Home Insurance Company
- NAIC #: 17647
- Major LOB(s): Farmowners, Fire & Allied, Homeowners, Medical Malpractice, Personal General Liability, Private Passenger Auto
- Domiciliary State: Arkansas
- Licensed States: AR, IL, IN, KS, KY, MO, OK, TN, TX
- Insolvency Date: November 16, 2023
Cameron Mutal Insurance Company
- NAIC #: 15725
- Major LOB(s):
- Commercial: Auto, General Liability, Inland Marine, Interline, & Multi-Peril.
- Personal: General Liability, Inland Marine, Interline
- Crime, Farmowners Multi-Peril, Fire and Allied Lines, Homeowners Multi-Peril, Private Passenger Auto.
- Domiciliary State: Missouri
- Licensed States: AR, IA, IL, KS, MO, NE
- Insolvency Date:
(without a finding of insolvency- no guaranty association trigger): November 15, 2023
(with a finding of insolvency-triggering guaranty associations): December 26, 2023
1st Auto (& Wisconsin Reinsurance Company) Insurance Company
- NAIC #: 44725
- Major LOB(s): 1st Auto – Personal and Commercial Auto, Umbrella and Farm-Ranch; WRC – assessable town mutual insurer reinsurance (covered in WI)
- Domiciliary State: Wisconsin
- Licensed States: AR, IA, IL, MO, SD, WI
- Insolvency Date: January 1, 2024
Each company came with unique considerations but ultimately the receivers and guaranty associations worked together to transfer covered claims to the guaranty associations to meet the statutory mission of policyholder protection.
2023 NCIGF Board of Directors
Joseph Torti III
Vice President – Regulatory Affairs
Fairfax Inc.
Bradley A. Roeber
Vice Chair
Executive Director
California Insurance Guarantee Association
Arthur M. Russell
Executive Director
Mississippi Insurance Guaranty Association
Chad E. Wilson
Associate Vice President, Government Relations
Nationwide Insurance
Chad G. Anderson
Western Guaranty Fund Services
Jenny L. Anzalone-Ackley
Deputy Director, Assessments and Guaranty Fund Reporting
Chubb NA Office of General Counsel
Bonny K. Gordon
Senior Counsel, Office of the Legislative Counsel
Katherine J. Evans
Vice President of Regulatory & Government Affairs
CSAA Insurance Group
Tamara W. Kopp
Executive Director
Missouri Property & Casualty Insurance Guaranty Associations
Barbara Peterson Law
President & CEO
Guaranty Fund Management, Inc.
Christopher P. Roe
Senior Vice President Corporate and Government Affairs
CUNA Mutual Group
J. Smith “Smitty” Harrison
Executive Director/Secretary
South Carolina Property & Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association
Neil C. Jackson
State Farm Insurance Company
Timothy M. Schotke
Executive Director
Illinois Insurance Guaranty Fund
Robert L. Zeman
Coporate Counsel
Allstate Insurance
*LaVawn D. Coleman
EVP, Chief Legal Officer, and Corporate Secretary
Grange Insurance
Kim D. Decker
State Legislative Affairs Director
Farmers Insurance Group
D. Keith Bell
Senior Vice President, Corporate Finance
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
*Joyce Hall Mellinger
Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel
Zurich North America
*Michael D. Boge
State Counsel Section, Corporate Law
State Farm Insurance Company
William M. Lynch
Vice President & Chief State & Local Affairs Officer, Public Affairs
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Andrea C. Lentine
Executive Director
Alabama Insurance Guaranty Association
2023 NCIGF Staff
Roger H. Schmelzer
President & CEO
Robin J. Webb-Reus
Director of Communications, Engagement & Culture
Barbara F. Cox
Consultant – Legal & Regulatory Affairs
Kevin C. Leap
Manager of Accounting & Administration
Anna L. Berndt
Junior Software Engineer
Minh-Tri A. Dang
Communications Coordinator & DEI Liaison
Michael J. Ulmer
Vice President, Technology Services and Operations
Patricia L. “Lynn” Cantin
Meeting Planner
Emily M. Jurey
Communications & Member Support Manager
Connor B. Inman
Senior Systems Support Specialist
Luke K. Brown
Junior Software Engineer
Sierra M. Humphries
Office Manager
Ashley N. Rosenberger
Senior Legal Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Richard L. “Lee” Minnear
Senior Systems Engineer
Nathaniel T. Jennings
Software Engineering Manager
Katherine D. Bender
Associate Legal Counsel & Assistant Corporate Secretary
Paul W. Joy Jr.
Junior Software Engineer